L’innovation ouverte pour le bâtiment durable

Mai, 2019

16maiallday18alldayViva Technology(Toute la journée) Porte de Versailles, 1 Place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris


VivaTech is the world’s rendezvous for startups and leaders to celebrate innovation. It’s a gathering of the world’s brightest minds, talents, and products taking place in Paris on 16–18 May 2019.

From top speakers and exhibitions to open innovation and live experiences, VivaTech is a celebration of today’s innovations and tomorrow’s possibilities for everyone who believes in the power of technology to transform business and society.


Mai 16 (Jeudi) - 18 (Samedi)


Porte de Versailles

1 Place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris