Built2Spec : Built to Specifications – Tools for the 21st Century Construction Site
Development of new quality check technologies, integrated in a virtual construction management platform, in order to manage the energy efficiency of both new and retrofits buildings with on-site quality assurance tools.
Development of an Energy Ventilated Facade in order to maximize the adaptability with low energy architectural concepts for the refurbishment of existing buildings
HIT2GAP : Highly Innovative building control Tools Tackling the energy performance GAP
Development of new methods and tools for the better assessment of energy use within a building in order to minimise the gap between predicted and measured energy consumption: BEMServer, an open approach for A NEW GENERATION OF BMS SOLUTIONS, with plug and play analytics tools based on Artificial intelligence.
INNOQUA : Innovative Bio-based on-site Sanitation system for Water and Resource Savings
Development and demonstration in real conditions of a modular system of water treatment based on the purifying capacity of microorganism.
Nature Based Solutions for renaturing cities: knowledge diffusion and decision support platform through new collaborative models
DR-BOB : Demand Response in Block Of Buildings
The DR-BOB Demand Response energy management solution optimises the local energy production, consumption and storage in real time. It can maximise economic profit or minimise CO2 emissions according to user requirements.
It is smart and can automatically adapt to current energy demand/ supply, dynamic price tariffs and weather conditions.
E3SoHO : Solutions TIC pour la performance énergétique dans le logement social en Europe
INNOCAP: Développement d’une filière locale pour des matériaux composites innovants, élaborés à partir de ressources agricoles et de polymères de recyclage
MySMARTLife: Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of Smart Life and Economy
Transform the cities into more sustainable places with the development of a smarter economy, a better use of energies and an increase of the involvement of the citizens.
OptEEmAL : OPTimised Energy Efficient design platforM for refurbishment At district Level
Development of an Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform in order to design retrofitting projects to improve their energy conservation.
Drive the building-integrated photovoltaics technology to a large market deployment with an answer to the needs of the market identified for the industry
Development of an open data app which gather information on the buildings in heritage city centers such as energy consumption, visitors data, and building conservation parameters, in order to ensure efficient building management, heritage conservation, and sustainable turism.
TAIMEE: Thermal and Acoustic Insulating material from finished leather waste
Development of novel geo-technologies to address the competitiveness challenge of the European construction industry in a low carbon agenda through PhDs.
Development of a technological and cost effective solution in order to increase the C&DW recycling with the integration of new concrete and new ways to incorporated them in processes.