Open Innovation for sustainable buildings

Our history

From an innovative regional research centre to becoming the French Institute for Energy and Environmental Transition in Construction.

NOBATEK/INEF4 is the outcome of a meeting and an intent. Our growth comes from a comprehensive strategy, our founders support, and the dedication of our team-members.

2004 – Nobatek’s foundation

Nobatek took shape with the help of, and based on the model of the European Foundation for Applied Research TECNALIA, located in the Basque Country. With the objective of developing methods for building with high environmental quality, the non-profit received the support of the French building federations (FFB, FNTP), local government (CR Aquitaine, ACBA, CG64, Ville d’Anglet…), national government (ADEME, D2RT) as well as the local ZAC ARKINOVA entrepreneurial ecosystem (ISA BTP, Lycée Cantau, FCMB…).

Employees: 2 / Revenue : 120 000€

2007 – Technological Research Centre (TRC) Designation

The companies that provide the best professional support for industrial and non-industrial SMBs are awarded the “TRC” label by the French Ministries of Research and Industry.

Employees: 10 / Revenue: 800 000€

2009 – Fusion with the EcoCampus Technology Transfer Cell of the University of Bordeaux and Inauguration of the Head Office in Anglet 

Employees: 19 / Revenue:  1,8M€

2013 – National Energy Transition Institute (ETI) in Construction – INEF4

The INEF4 platform was founded at the initiative of a consortium of 5 founding members (NOBATEK, the Conseil Régional Aquitaine, the Cercle Promodul, the FCBA and the University of Bordeaux. It benefits from strong public backing, under the French Investissements d’Avenir [Future Investment] program

Employees: 39  / Revenue: 3M€

2016 – Leader in coordinating H2020 projects under the theme Energy Efficient Building and second only to TECNALIA in terms of R&D budget

Employees: 56 / Revenue : 3,8M€

2017 – Transformation of the Nobatek association and the INEF4 platform into a Public Limited Company organised as a Public-Interest Cooperative Society [Société Anonyme sous forme de Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif]: NOBATEK/INEF4

On the 30th of October 2017, our cooperative has more than 70 associates for a capital of almost 1 million euros.

Employees: 62 / Revenue: 4,2M€